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Stay up-to-date on the top news, productions, and announcements from around the world. Use the categories filter to search through news quickly. Subscribe to our monthly E-News below to receive the latest news directly in your inbox.
The Kurt Weill Foundation bestows fellowship honoring the legacy of conductor Julius Rudel September 8,...
September 08, 2016Preparation for the 20th Lotte Lenya Competition is underway, and it promises to be our...
September 07, 2016Grant funding available in support of excellence in the presentation and study of Kurt Weill’s...
September 01, 2016Venue: Powell Hall Conductor: David Robertson Performance Dates: 16-17 September 2016 Event page In 1927,...
September 01, 2016Recently Video and Arts International (VAI) added to its Weill catalogue with the first home-video...
August 19, 2016This year the Foundation has augmented its successful partnership with the Glimmerglass Festival, and the...
August 10, 2016Subscribe to the twice-yearly Kurt Weill Print Newsletter or view past issues online