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Stay up-to-date on the top news, productions, and announcements from around the world. Use the categories filter to search through news quickly. Subscribe to our monthly E-News below to receive the latest news directly in your inbox.
Update: The evening concert of the 2017 Lenya Competition finals will be streamed live direct...
April 13, 2017Venue: Theater in der Josefstadt (Kammerspiele) Director: Torsten Fischer Music Director: Christian Frank First performance:...
April 07, 2017Fourteen young artists selected as finalists; director Anne Bogart, actor Shuler Hensley, and music director...
March 14, 2017Frankfurt’s Alte Oper hosts a powerhouse five-day festival centering on German music and film from...
March 10, 2017As the 20th annual Lotte Lenya Competition beckons, a host of past prizewinners are hitting...
March 01, 2017Thirty-two singers selected as semifinalists; record number of audition videos received. February 15, 2017: Kim...
February 15, 2017Subscribe to the twice-yearly Kurt Weill Print Newsletter or view past issues online