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Stay up-to-date on the top news, productions, and announcements from around the world. Use the categories filter to search through news quickly. Subscribe to our monthly E-News below to receive the latest news directly in your inbox.
The Kurt Weill Foundation presents an occasional list of recent publications in various media pertaining...
December 17, 201930 March 2019 was a big day at the University of North Carolina–the day a...
November 26, 2019Weill’s most popular Broadway show is back on video! Street Scene, now often revived in...
November 14, 2019Kurt Weill spent his formative years in Dessau, where his father was the cantor in...
November 14, 2019The Kurt Weill Foundation is pleased to announce the star-studded panel of judges who will...
October 03, 2019In recognition of his four decades of extraordinary service to the music and artistic legacy...
September 23, 2019Subscribe to the twice-yearly Kurt Weill Print Newsletter or view past issues online