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Stay up-to-date on the top news, productions, and announcements from around the world. Use the categories filter to search through news quickly. Subscribe to our monthly E-News below to receive the latest news directly in your inbox.
The Kurt Weill Foundation is pleased to announce that European American Music Distributors Company (EAMC)...
July 09, 2020The Kurt Weill Foundation is excited to announce its continued sponsorship of talented artists at...
July 09, 2020This month we shine a spotlight on Elisabeth Hauptmann, a creative force behind several of...
June 03, 2020Following the astonishing success of Die Dreigroschenoper in the fall of 1928, Kurt Weill composed Das Berliner Requiem,...
May 01, 2020The Kurt Weill Foundation for Music announces the world premiere of the documentary film Down...
May 01, 2020The trustees and staff of the Foundation are saddened by the great suffering and uncertainty...
April 16, 2020Subscribe to the twice-yearly Kurt Weill Print Newsletter or view past issues online